Thursday, April 10, 2008


So it's been almost a year since I've posted anything to this particular blog. Just in reading over some of my previous entries, I realized something. I've been really hard on myself. Especially the breakup post. I should never have to apologize for being who I am and what I have to contribute. So what; there were times when I was an open book but that's just me. Very kind-hearted, optimistic and giving. When you have those qualities the best advice you can give your self is choose your friends carefully. Oh and by all means don't let them choose you. My ex, bless his soul, was apparently in denial. Word has it that he is currently back with his ex before me and they're having a baby together. Totally unplanned from the sound of things. In the time I got to know him, he's one of those types that prefers to take his time and plan everything especially since he wasn't where he thought he should be financially. Looks like God had a different plan for him. I could assume that I was the rebound girlfriend since he swore that he was soooo over this current but previous girlfriend. Riiiiight! Not even a year has passed and they're now procreating. Well congrats! On the other hand, I'm living my life cuz' it's golden. There's no room for drama and frivilous bouts of nonsense. The weather is lovely out today and flirtation is in the air. Let's go out and play, shall we!!!

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