Friday, November 04, 2005

It's beautiful outside!!!!

Ok so I've been missing in action yet again. I can't help it that I have a life. (tee hee) That's not to insinuate that the other blogger's are nobody's. I have a whole bunch of stuff on my plate and I'm still in the midst of digesting the first half. It's funny how we get older and keep ourselves busier. Is that a way to not deal with what's really going on? Cuz' I mean what's really going on? I'm still plugging away at the same j-o-b the difference is however that I'm not waiting for my 5 seasons of fame. That's right 5 seasons. Expect a DVD box set with that order of fries.

Our lives are here for the taking people. I wish y'all folks would realize that. Not that I'm complaining cuz' that just means more opportunity for me. Go ahead and stay sleeping while I fill my offshore accounts. A million dollars is not going to show up on your doorstep. Even if it did, you'd be broke again within a year cuz' you don't know how to make it multiply. Be fruitful and become many. Heck you might be stupid enough to invest in the lotto jackpot. Turd munch!

All this may sound like a Saturday morning sermon but my point is to all you complaining a** mother flowers out there, get off your tukuss and DO YOU!!! I don't mean tread over to the dark side of fame and fortune either. As long as you're not hurting anyone, make a lasting impression on the world. Go beyond writing your name in the snow with your urine.

My world is a ever-changing canvas with a whole arsenal of hues on my palette. I'm doing my thing and soon you will all bear witness to my genius. PURE ADULTERATED GENIUS!!! Toot my own horn...ya damn right! You don't like it, blow it out your a**. If you feel me and where I'm coming from, hop on board the bus and "get crunk wit us." It's all about the scratch grain. And to all my hoes, don't miss me cuz' I'm not gone. I'm just out here tarring and feathering the bitches who said I couldn't DO IT!!!

Peace out in Irak

p.s. Keep your eyes peeled for my billboard. Coming to you live in Times Square...Soon...Real soon...soon come....LOL