Monday, August 15, 2005

Guess who's back??? and with a fresh RANT!!!

Hello again mates!

I took a week off to regroup and make sure I was still connected to the outside world. The New Information Age that we are living in seems to get us disconnected from the real world and the people in it. Like I wonder every time I take one of those outside trains back and forth to work everyday, do folks realize how weak they look when they flip out their cell phones the minute we surface from the underground? I'm not even talking business people who might be running a tad bit late for a meeting. I mean everyday average Joe's/Jane's who are seemingly insecure about being on the train, alone and with themselves. Bright and early like 7 o'clock in the morning people have this silver or black piece of plastic attached to their ears and are carrying on loud meaningless conversations. Half the time I think they are just profiling and not really talking to anyone.

"Hello, McFly..." You people look really sorry. Nobody wants to hear that you just went to Kmart and you'll show whoever the stuff when you get home. I mean please, couldn't you wait to go home to say "Babe look what I got from Kmart?" If cell phones still required everyone to carry around that dinosaur of a battery pack, would we all still have one? I had a Nextel for 2 and half years. You know what my bill looked like? Dang near $100 a month. Who the hell was I talking to? To be honest, no one of any major importance. Let me clarify that last statement before I get a bunch of nasty comments from my "loved" ones. I had a phone at home that I was paying for and never used. Then I had a cellphone that would usually ring off the hook and most of the time I didn't answer. When I did answer, before a greeting I'd get "Where you at?" Excuse me! Last time I checked, my daddy didn't even question my whereabouts. And hello to you too!

Why spend $100 a month to have a personal GPS system to lug around with you when you leave your house, only to be bombarded with annoyances throughtout the day? When I go out, I don't want to be bothered unless it's a real emergency. (How many of those are actual emergencies?) If I'm not home for Pete's sake leave a message. That's why answering machines and oops oh my VOICEMAIL was created! Would you look at that? There's that fabulous thing called technology again. Ain't it grand?

Bad enough folks call me at home with their sob stories. Do I really want you to have an all access bug the sh*t out of me pass? Heck NO! Am I not entitled to something called "ME TIME"? You know that quiet place we should all go to unwind so we can stop acting like we have sticks shoved up our keesters all the time. Serenity NOW! Which brings me to the purchase of my pre-paid cellphone. I consider myself liberated from the slave mentality of the cellphone matrix. I take it with me when I'm driving, when my kid is not in my vicinity, and if I'm meeting up with a friend and we have to find each other. Other than that, it stays off. Let me repeat...OFF!!! A lucky few are privileged to have my work phone number. Don't have to worry about that being abused because if I'm not at my desk or currently on the phone, guess what? There goes that dang voicemail again. LOL

I don't like people that much but I do value natural human contact. I love having a friend that I can write a letter to, put it in an old fashioned envelope, slap a stamp on it and send it down the ole' mail chute. I love meeting up with my friends and hanging and having face to face conversations. Granted I've met some groovy people on the net but we've had our greatest moments when we were all out at a park or some brain building function, swapping ideas and feeling each others positive energy. You can't really vibe through sound or ethernet waves. Some can but the majority of us need to literally reach out and touch someone. Hey you never know! You might get touched back. And you might even like it!