may be heart to do but when you begin to feel the completion of that cycle...whoohoo!
There's all sorts of advice out there on how to mend a broken heart. I kind of wonder if your heart ever really gets broken. Isn't our minds that get us into trouble. Conjuring up all types of scenarios, shoulda, woulda, couldas and great expectations! If we could really just relax and take things slow with significant others, life would be sooo much easier to flow through. I've personally learned that less is more. You don't have to give too much information in order to be honest. After all are you on an autobiography interview or are you getting to know this person? Not everyone can handle information overload nor should they feel obligated to. Keep your baggage to yourself and your therapist. Had I followed my own advice, I would probably still be in a couple. Then again all goods things sometimes come to an end to make room for something or someone better. Just be free and be "easy". By that I mean keep it light and don't get too serious about everything too soon. Here's to the new spring season and the love it will bring!