Ok so I've been missing in action yet again. I can't help it that I have a life. (tee hee) That's not to insinuate that the other blogger's are nobody's. I have a whole bunch of stuff on my plate and I'm still in the midst of digesting the first half. It's funny how we get older and keep ourselves busier. Is that a way to not deal with what's really going on? Cuz' I mean what's really going on? I'm still plugging away at the same j-o-b the difference is however that I'm not waiting for my 5 seasons of fame. That's right 5 seasons. Expect a DVD box set with that order of fries.
Our lives are here for the taking people. I wish y'all folks would realize that. Not that I'm complaining cuz' that just means more opportunity for me. Go ahead and stay sleeping while I fill my offshore accounts. A million dollars is not going to show up on your doorstep. Even if it did, you'd be broke again within a year cuz' you don't know how to make it multiply. Be fruitful and become many. Heck you might be stupid enough to invest in the lotto jackpot. Turd munch!
All this may sound like a Saturday morning sermon but my point is to all you complaining a** mother flowers out there, get off your tukuss and DO YOU!!! I don't mean tread over to the dark side of fame and fortune either. As long as you're not hurting anyone, make a lasting impression on the world. Go beyond writing your name in the snow with your urine.
My world is a ever-changing canvas with a whole arsenal of hues on my palette. I'm doing my thing and soon you will all bear witness to my genius. PURE ADULTERATED GENIUS!!! Toot my own horn...ya damn right! You don't like it, blow it out your a**. If you feel me and where I'm coming from, hop on board the bus and "get crunk wit us." It's all about the scratch grain. And to all my hoes, don't miss me cuz' I'm not gone. I'm just out here tarring and feathering the bitches who said I couldn't DO IT!!!
Peace out in Irak
p.s. Keep your eyes peeled for my billboard. Coming to you live in Times Square...Soon...Real soon...soon come....LOL
Friday, November 04, 2005
Thursday, September 08, 2005
Hopeful Romantic....
FYI I'm still watching "So You think you can Dance". I even voted for Jamile last night like 10 tens before the number went busy...tee hee
Cards on the table...Men and women both want the same things. We just voice our wants in totally different ways. If you haven't read it, do your self the favor..Men are from Stars, Women want Penis! (LOL) Damn I slay me. You catch my drift. If not wait for the next wave.
Love schmove...Can a open minded non homo brotha just come along and laugh it up with a sista? You know not the average boring non-creative dinner and a movie date. I swear the next dude that makes that a suggestion is gonna get slapped. (Yeah word on the vine is men find it more disrespectful to get slapped than punched in the face. They feel slapping is only for women. HA!! They wish.) I'm a button pusher so I feel sorry for the dumb schmuck who decides he wants to run his lame game.
I know those of you who have your man panties twisted in a bunch right now are yelling "CURSES YOU VILE WOMAN!" but check it out...
What I have to bring to the table is simple...On a fun and loving tip, I will match everything you got and then some. I will try to outdo you in everything just so you can return the favor. Way I see it that could go back and forth forever. Which is sweet. I cook, bake, have fresh laundry swaying in the breeze on a clothes line, whip ur *ss in tennis, take the ball to the hole, tackle you into some new grass stains, paint my face and yell defense, moon fellow motorists on the highway, skinny dip into the Miami sunset and oh my the list is sooo long, I'm makin' myself hot. SSSS-mokin...hot cha cha cha...
I'm not your average moronic woman. Gucci and Prada don't impress me. Show me that the noodle on the top of your shoulders ain't all that limp and we can hustle and flow. On that wise crack, I'ma split.
Till next time Sissies!!
Cards on the table...Men and women both want the same things. We just voice our wants in totally different ways. If you haven't read it, do your self the favor..Men are from Stars, Women want Penis! (LOL) Damn I slay me. You catch my drift. If not wait for the next wave.
Love schmove...Can a open minded non homo brotha just come along and laugh it up with a sista? You know not the average boring non-creative dinner and a movie date. I swear the next dude that makes that a suggestion is gonna get slapped. (Yeah word on the vine is men find it more disrespectful to get slapped than punched in the face. They feel slapping is only for women. HA!! They wish.) I'm a button pusher so I feel sorry for the dumb schmuck who decides he wants to run his lame game.
I know those of you who have your man panties twisted in a bunch right now are yelling "CURSES YOU VILE WOMAN!" but check it out...
What I have to bring to the table is simple...On a fun and loving tip, I will match everything you got and then some. I will try to outdo you in everything just so you can return the favor. Way I see it that could go back and forth forever. Which is sweet. I cook, bake, have fresh laundry swaying in the breeze on a clothes line, whip ur *ss in tennis, take the ball to the hole, tackle you into some new grass stains, paint my face and yell defense, moon fellow motorists on the highway, skinny dip into the Miami sunset and oh my the list is sooo long, I'm makin' myself hot. SSSS-mokin...hot cha cha cha...
I'm not your average moronic woman. Gucci and Prada don't impress me. Show me that the noodle on the top of your shoulders ain't all that limp and we can hustle and flow. On that wise crack, I'ma split.
Till next time Sissies!!
Monday, August 29, 2005
It's been a long time....
Ok so a week and a few days, no biggie. I haven't had much time to post new posts (tee hee) due to a hectic summer schedule. Maybe blogging would work on a more efficient basis if it was cold outside.
Today's entry might be short and sweet. I just have a question that needs answering.
WHAT THE HECK IS KARMA? Is she the "goes around comes around 10 times worse" chick? Or the "here's a reminder how your past so let me keep rubbing it in for you" chick?
Ok so that was 3 questions but seriously! What are the chances of the average person running into 4 people that they are no longer friends with all in the space of one week? Is it that life's a full circle and maybe some folks just need to be closed out completely or is there a lesson that you keep missing that allows these people to keep popping back up like a hemmoeroid that refuses to go away?
I think God's always telling me something. He doesn't always come straight out and say it but he has some strange ways of catching a sister off guard. Needless to say I don't understand why these four people resurfaced as of late. I would rather leave the past in the past and go on about my business. Hey when you cut someone off, they should stay cut. Right?
Maybe I'm being a lil' harsh. Not!!! Life's too short to put up with nagging, whining, self-piting, hustling, con-artists who just drain you of every ounce of energy you put forth. Bring something to the table and stop eating and running all the dang time. The rules are simple...Freeloaders get off my bus! I can donate to charity just not to panhandlers.
Reciprocation is very important. Without it there's no balance. Maybe my lesson is in forgiveness but for now I'd rather give my time and energy to the real people of this ruthless world. The children. They're the only honest people left and unfortunately they are slowly turning rotten. No good parents they have, I tell you! Besides I have forgiven I just don't forget anything too easily. Cross me and you'll regret your actions. Sweet is the revenge of the fabulous IGNORE BUTTON. Attention grabbers hate to be ignored. I love it.
Anyway, my ramble is over. If I feel like it, I'll pick up better where I left off. Next time, my little poppets!
Today's entry might be short and sweet. I just have a question that needs answering.
WHAT THE HECK IS KARMA? Is she the "goes around comes around 10 times worse" chick? Or the "here's a reminder how your past so let me keep rubbing it in for you" chick?
Ok so that was 3 questions but seriously! What are the chances of the average person running into 4 people that they are no longer friends with all in the space of one week? Is it that life's a full circle and maybe some folks just need to be closed out completely or is there a lesson that you keep missing that allows these people to keep popping back up like a hemmoeroid that refuses to go away?
I think God's always telling me something. He doesn't always come straight out and say it but he has some strange ways of catching a sister off guard. Needless to say I don't understand why these four people resurfaced as of late. I would rather leave the past in the past and go on about my business. Hey when you cut someone off, they should stay cut. Right?
Maybe I'm being a lil' harsh. Not!!! Life's too short to put up with nagging, whining, self-piting, hustling, con-artists who just drain you of every ounce of energy you put forth. Bring something to the table and stop eating and running all the dang time. The rules are simple...Freeloaders get off my bus! I can donate to charity just not to panhandlers.
Reciprocation is very important. Without it there's no balance. Maybe my lesson is in forgiveness but for now I'd rather give my time and energy to the real people of this ruthless world. The children. They're the only honest people left and unfortunately they are slowly turning rotten. No good parents they have, I tell you! Besides I have forgiven I just don't forget anything too easily. Cross me and you'll regret your actions. Sweet is the revenge of the fabulous IGNORE BUTTON. Attention grabbers hate to be ignored. I love it.
Anyway, my ramble is over. If I feel like it, I'll pick up better where I left off. Next time, my little poppets!
Monday, August 15, 2005
Guess who's back??? and with a fresh RANT!!!
Hello again mates!
I took a week off to regroup and make sure I was still connected to the outside world. The New Information Age that we are living in seems to get us disconnected from the real world and the people in it. Like I wonder every time I take one of those outside trains back and forth to work everyday, do folks realize how weak they look when they flip out their cell phones the minute we surface from the underground? I'm not even talking business people who might be running a tad bit late for a meeting. I mean everyday average Joe's/Jane's who are seemingly insecure about being on the train, alone and with themselves. Bright and early like 7 o'clock in the morning people have this silver or black piece of plastic attached to their ears and are carrying on loud meaningless conversations. Half the time I think they are just profiling and not really talking to anyone.
"Hello, McFly..." You people look really sorry. Nobody wants to hear that you just went to Kmart and you'll show whoever the stuff when you get home. I mean please, couldn't you wait to go home to say "Babe look what I got from Kmart?" If cell phones still required everyone to carry around that dinosaur of a battery pack, would we all still have one? I had a Nextel for 2 and half years. You know what my bill looked like? Dang near $100 a month. Who the hell was I talking to? To be honest, no one of any major importance. Let me clarify that last statement before I get a bunch of nasty comments from my "loved" ones. I had a phone at home that I was paying for and never used. Then I had a cellphone that would usually ring off the hook and most of the time I didn't answer. When I did answer, before a greeting I'd get "Where you at?" Excuse me! Last time I checked, my daddy didn't even question my whereabouts. And hello to you too!
Why spend $100 a month to have a personal GPS system to lug around with you when you leave your house, only to be bombarded with annoyances throughtout the day? When I go out, I don't want to be bothered unless it's a real emergency. (How many of those are actual emergencies?) If I'm not home for Pete's sake leave a message. That's why answering machines and oops oh my VOICEMAIL was created! Would you look at that? There's that fabulous thing called technology again. Ain't it grand?
Bad enough folks call me at home with their sob stories. Do I really want you to have an all access bug the sh*t out of me pass? Heck NO! Am I not entitled to something called "ME TIME"? You know that quiet place we should all go to unwind so we can stop acting like we have sticks shoved up our keesters all the time. Serenity NOW! Which brings me to the purchase of my pre-paid cellphone. I consider myself liberated from the slave mentality of the cellphone matrix. I take it with me when I'm driving, when my kid is not in my vicinity, and if I'm meeting up with a friend and we have to find each other. Other than that, it stays off. Let me repeat...OFF!!! A lucky few are privileged to have my work phone number. Don't have to worry about that being abused because if I'm not at my desk or currently on the phone, guess what? There goes that dang voicemail again. LOL
I don't like people that much but I do value natural human contact. I love having a friend that I can write a letter to, put it in an old fashioned envelope, slap a stamp on it and send it down the ole' mail chute. I love meeting up with my friends and hanging and having face to face conversations. Granted I've met some groovy people on the net but we've had our greatest moments when we were all out at a park or some brain building function, swapping ideas and feeling each others positive energy. You can't really vibe through sound or ethernet waves. Some can but the majority of us need to literally reach out and touch someone. Hey you never know! You might get touched back. And you might even like it!
I took a week off to regroup and make sure I was still connected to the outside world. The New Information Age that we are living in seems to get us disconnected from the real world and the people in it. Like I wonder every time I take one of those outside trains back and forth to work everyday, do folks realize how weak they look when they flip out their cell phones the minute we surface from the underground? I'm not even talking business people who might be running a tad bit late for a meeting. I mean everyday average Joe's/Jane's who are seemingly insecure about being on the train, alone and with themselves. Bright and early like 7 o'clock in the morning people have this silver or black piece of plastic attached to their ears and are carrying on loud meaningless conversations. Half the time I think they are just profiling and not really talking to anyone.
"Hello, McFly..." You people look really sorry. Nobody wants to hear that you just went to Kmart and you'll show whoever the stuff when you get home. I mean please, couldn't you wait to go home to say "Babe look what I got from Kmart?" If cell phones still required everyone to carry around that dinosaur of a battery pack, would we all still have one? I had a Nextel for 2 and half years. You know what my bill looked like? Dang near $100 a month. Who the hell was I talking to? To be honest, no one of any major importance. Let me clarify that last statement before I get a bunch of nasty comments from my "loved" ones. I had a phone at home that I was paying for and never used. Then I had a cellphone that would usually ring off the hook and most of the time I didn't answer. When I did answer, before a greeting I'd get "Where you at?" Excuse me! Last time I checked, my daddy didn't even question my whereabouts. And hello to you too!
Why spend $100 a month to have a personal GPS system to lug around with you when you leave your house, only to be bombarded with annoyances throughtout the day? When I go out, I don't want to be bothered unless it's a real emergency. (How many of those are actual emergencies?) If I'm not home for Pete's sake leave a message. That's why answering machines and oops oh my VOICEMAIL was created! Would you look at that? There's that fabulous thing called technology again. Ain't it grand?
Bad enough folks call me at home with their sob stories. Do I really want you to have an all access bug the sh*t out of me pass? Heck NO! Am I not entitled to something called "ME TIME"? You know that quiet place we should all go to unwind so we can stop acting like we have sticks shoved up our keesters all the time. Serenity NOW! Which brings me to the purchase of my pre-paid cellphone. I consider myself liberated from the slave mentality of the cellphone matrix. I take it with me when I'm driving, when my kid is not in my vicinity, and if I'm meeting up with a friend and we have to find each other. Other than that, it stays off. Let me repeat...OFF!!! A lucky few are privileged to have my work phone number. Don't have to worry about that being abused because if I'm not at my desk or currently on the phone, guess what? There goes that dang voicemail again. LOL
I don't like people that much but I do value natural human contact. I love having a friend that I can write a letter to, put it in an old fashioned envelope, slap a stamp on it and send it down the ole' mail chute. I love meeting up with my friends and hanging and having face to face conversations. Granted I've met some groovy people on the net but we've had our greatest moments when we were all out at a park or some brain building function, swapping ideas and feeling each others positive energy. You can't really vibe through sound or ethernet waves. Some can but the majority of us need to literally reach out and touch someone. Hey you never know! You might get touched back. And you might even like it!
Friday, August 05, 2005
It used to take a Village ....
To raise our kids, that is!
In all honesty, the 90's for me was the best years God could have ever blessed upon my soul. Yes, I'm a young buck but that doesn't take away from my childhood days. The days of block parties. Of being able to walk to school by yourself in the third grade without the fear of being kidnapped. Of real fighting with fists and not guns and knives. Of Voltron, G.I.Joe, Rainbow Brite and Thundercats. Of real rap music like Public Enemy and X-Clan. Of videos that featured real dancers wearing real clothes like Cross Colors or Used. Of my neighbors threatning to whupp my tail for fighting out in the street or telling my mom that I was being fresh to my elders...those were days!
Although, I never had the latest gear or the hottest game system (and at the time it was the gray Nintendo), I had it good. Both my parents were still together and they equally pushed me to be the best in school. I hit the honor roll from 2nd grade straight through until 10th. I dropped my zeal for wanting to be part of the elite because at the time I thought I should be rewarded in some shape or fashion for my brilliance. The rewards never came and neither did the recognition, so I chucked my honors status. Now looking back I wish I didn't.
My mindset then lead me to the predicament, myself and other parents of my generation seem to find ourselves in. Are you familiar with the phrase.."I want my kids to have it better than I did." or " They shouldn't have to go through what I went through." Well dummies, what exactly did we go through? I'm gonna' fess up and say that I straight up expected to be spoiled, being that I am the baby and the only girl. My point...we give our kids just like we promised. Our version of better. But look at what we unleashed into the world. Spoiled, self-centered, overly stimulated, ADD ridden, lazy heathens who have a ton of entitlement issues. Always with their hand out saying Gimme...I need...I want!
People we missed a valuable lesson from our parents and past generations. We had to work hard for everything we got and that included a butt whuppin'. Even after the hard work, we still got nothing most of the time. By nothing I mean nothing material. It was not meant for us to get rewarded for what we were supposed to do. Our jobs were simple: go to school and get great grades. We had no excuse for yuckin' up. We missed our shout que and our feel good about our accomplishment cue. We were too busy crying for the Gameboy or the new Jordans to see that we should've been proud of ourselves. Now we have become parents and our kids don't respect us because they don't know the meaning of the concept: EARN. We hand everything to them on a silver platter just for the hell of it.
Explain to me how the kid who has everything; Mom who put her dreams on hold, struggled thru a mediocre job to provide flyest clothes, b-day parties thrown in dancehalls, tv and dvd player in her own room and a cellphone can turn around and lie to a judge about being abused cause she has to wash dishes every night. Then to add insult to injury tells the judge she'd rather go live with the deadbeat freshly unabsent parent. Also explain to me how a child that has a drug addict as a mother, who considers themselves lucky if they ever see the inside of a public school and has to wake up every morning to clean up fresh puke of mom's late night binge can have nothing but compassion and unconditional love just becasue that's their mom.
Am I missing something people? I'd love to say we can help each other get back to where we were but some of y'all parents are more ignorant than your children. Your kid is out in the street cussin' like a sailor or got a skirt on showing off her latest ass cheek tattoo. The first thing you have to say is "Don't nobody talk to my child like that." "You ain't his/her mama." " Mind yo' own damn business." Wish granted! Everyone's minding their own business and turns a blind eye to the problem than can be corrected if someone would only take the time to get all up in someone else's business. Our little hatchlings are all our business.
The sins of the father and mother has a huge impact on our kids. When did we stop caring? Why don't we stop the spoiling and put the strap back into play? Since when does a 12 year old decide he/she can divorce their parents? I smell a set-up or in plain terms...C-O-N-spiracy! Let's take our power back y'all. It's never too late.
In all honesty, the 90's for me was the best years God could have ever blessed upon my soul. Yes, I'm a young buck but that doesn't take away from my childhood days. The days of block parties. Of being able to walk to school by yourself in the third grade without the fear of being kidnapped. Of real fighting with fists and not guns and knives. Of Voltron, G.I.Joe, Rainbow Brite and Thundercats. Of real rap music like Public Enemy and X-Clan. Of videos that featured real dancers wearing real clothes like Cross Colors or Used. Of my neighbors threatning to whupp my tail for fighting out in the street or telling my mom that I was being fresh to my elders...those were days!
Although, I never had the latest gear or the hottest game system (and at the time it was the gray Nintendo), I had it good. Both my parents were still together and they equally pushed me to be the best in school. I hit the honor roll from 2nd grade straight through until 10th. I dropped my zeal for wanting to be part of the elite because at the time I thought I should be rewarded in some shape or fashion for my brilliance. The rewards never came and neither did the recognition, so I chucked my honors status. Now looking back I wish I didn't.
My mindset then lead me to the predicament, myself and other parents of my generation seem to find ourselves in. Are you familiar with the phrase.."I want my kids to have it better than I did." or " They shouldn't have to go through what I went through." Well dummies, what exactly did we go through? I'm gonna' fess up and say that I straight up expected to be spoiled, being that I am the baby and the only girl. My point...we give our kids just like we promised. Our version of better. But look at what we unleashed into the world. Spoiled, self-centered, overly stimulated, ADD ridden, lazy heathens who have a ton of entitlement issues. Always with their hand out saying Gimme...I need...I want!
People we missed a valuable lesson from our parents and past generations. We had to work hard for everything we got and that included a butt whuppin'. Even after the hard work, we still got nothing most of the time. By nothing I mean nothing material. It was not meant for us to get rewarded for what we were supposed to do. Our jobs were simple: go to school and get great grades. We had no excuse for yuckin' up. We missed our shout que and our feel good about our accomplishment cue. We were too busy crying for the Gameboy or the new Jordans to see that we should've been proud of ourselves. Now we have become parents and our kids don't respect us because they don't know the meaning of the concept: EARN. We hand everything to them on a silver platter just for the hell of it.
Explain to me how the kid who has everything; Mom who put her dreams on hold, struggled thru a mediocre job to provide flyest clothes, b-day parties thrown in dancehalls, tv and dvd player in her own room and a cellphone can turn around and lie to a judge about being abused cause she has to wash dishes every night. Then to add insult to injury tells the judge she'd rather go live with the deadbeat freshly unabsent parent. Also explain to me how a child that has a drug addict as a mother, who considers themselves lucky if they ever see the inside of a public school and has to wake up every morning to clean up fresh puke of mom's late night binge can have nothing but compassion and unconditional love just becasue that's their mom.
Am I missing something people? I'd love to say we can help each other get back to where we were but some of y'all parents are more ignorant than your children. Your kid is out in the street cussin' like a sailor or got a skirt on showing off her latest ass cheek tattoo. The first thing you have to say is "Don't nobody talk to my child like that." "You ain't his/her mama." " Mind yo' own damn business." Wish granted! Everyone's minding their own business and turns a blind eye to the problem than can be corrected if someone would only take the time to get all up in someone else's business. Our little hatchlings are all our business.
The sins of the father and mother has a huge impact on our kids. When did we stop caring? Why don't we stop the spoiling and put the strap back into play? Since when does a 12 year old decide he/she can divorce their parents? I smell a set-up or in plain terms...C-O-N-spiracy! Let's take our power back y'all. It's never too late.
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
Friend..What's your definition?
As you get older, you will soon come to realize that the myriad of friends you had while in high school has dwindled down to a solid two or three if you're lucky. Once you start to progress up the proverbial ladder, the people who are truest will be by your side cheering you on.
The word friend is so misused these days. It's starting to become synonymous with doormat and free-ride. In Webster's dictionary, there are five different definitions of the word friend and I quote :
1 a : one attached to another by affection or esteem b : ACQUAINTANCE??? (who put that there)
2 a : one that is not hostile b : one that is of the same nation, party, or group
3 : one that favors or promotes something (as a charity)
4 : a favored companion
5 capitalized : a member of a Christian sect that stresses Inner Light, rejects sacraments and an ordained ministry, and opposes war -- called also Quaker.
Examine carefully these five. What resonates off of the words? Do you get a warm fuzzy feeling of agreement? Or is your right eyebrow arched and followed by a "hmmph"?
Attached by affection or esteem! Wow. I value the friends that I have beyond what words could ever say. I don't ask for much of them except truth and support. We all have a common belief or interest. Our values and morals are basically mirrored. The ground rules as a friend are simple.
-If you see me making an ass of myself, don't be afraid to tell me "Girl, you're making an ass of yourself."
-If I become temporarily blind by excitement or love, as the outside person looking in, let me make my mistakes but don't stand there and watch me sink. Know when to say when.
-For the women, we respect each other's space, time and significant others. (MESSAGE) Be it a crush, boyfriend, husband or plaything. He's off limits and should be immediately unattractive to you.
-For the co-ed friends, know that once you cross that invisible line, there is such a thing as going back. If your friendship is real, it can withstand anything. If you both are mature, you can both understand that it didn't work out now let's just do what we do best. Be friends!
-If the co-eds are strictly platonic, then no worries if both parties are being honest about their feelings and intentions for the other. Men and women can be JUST friends. It's a mutual agreement.
Don't just give the title of friend away. It must be earned.
There's a new word in town ladies and gents: ACQUAINTANCE! (there's that darn word again ...lol)
Familiarize yourselves with it. Yes, I know it's under the definition of friend but trust me. Take your time to look it up. You'll thank me that you did. I personally can count my real friends on one hand. They are the ones that no matter how happy or how idiotic I get at times, they never judge me and are still with me today. We have all grown together. All of us not necessarily going in the same direction but it's cool because we are moving forward to something better. None of the two of us are the same but neither are we that much different from the other. How's that for an oxymoron! (LOL) Better yet try saying that five times really fast.
Cherish the "real" people that you have in your lives. Very rarely will you make a new friend for life once you've passed the age of 30. Don't judge cuz' really who the heck are you to anyway! Don't believe the hype. There's no such thing as always hurting the ones you love. If I love you, you best believe I'm going out of my way to make sure I never intentionally cause you any pain. And on that note, to infinity and beyond and so is the love I have for you guys. Be easy my buds and till next time...Smooches!
The word friend is so misused these days. It's starting to become synonymous with doormat and free-ride. In Webster's dictionary, there are five different definitions of the word friend and I quote :
1 a : one attached to another by affection or esteem b : ACQUAINTANCE??? (who put that there)
2 a : one that is not hostile b : one that is of the same nation, party, or group
3 : one that favors or promotes something (as a charity)
4 : a favored companion
5 capitalized : a member of a Christian sect that stresses Inner Light, rejects sacraments and an ordained ministry, and opposes war -- called also Quaker.
Examine carefully these five. What resonates off of the words? Do you get a warm fuzzy feeling of agreement? Or is your right eyebrow arched and followed by a "hmmph"?
Attached by affection or esteem! Wow. I value the friends that I have beyond what words could ever say. I don't ask for much of them except truth and support. We all have a common belief or interest. Our values and morals are basically mirrored. The ground rules as a friend are simple.
-If you see me making an ass of myself, don't be afraid to tell me "Girl, you're making an ass of yourself."
-If I become temporarily blind by excitement or love, as the outside person looking in, let me make my mistakes but don't stand there and watch me sink. Know when to say when.
-For the women, we respect each other's space, time and significant others. (MESSAGE) Be it a crush, boyfriend, husband or plaything. He's off limits and should be immediately unattractive to you.
-For the co-ed friends, know that once you cross that invisible line, there is such a thing as going back. If your friendship is real, it can withstand anything. If you both are mature, you can both understand that it didn't work out now let's just do what we do best. Be friends!
-If the co-eds are strictly platonic, then no worries if both parties are being honest about their feelings and intentions for the other. Men and women can be JUST friends. It's a mutual agreement.
Don't just give the title of friend away. It must be earned.
There's a new word in town ladies and gents: ACQUAINTANCE! (there's that darn word again ...lol)
Familiarize yourselves with it. Yes, I know it's under the definition of friend but trust me. Take your time to look it up. You'll thank me that you did. I personally can count my real friends on one hand. They are the ones that no matter how happy or how idiotic I get at times, they never judge me and are still with me today. We have all grown together. All of us not necessarily going in the same direction but it's cool because we are moving forward to something better. None of the two of us are the same but neither are we that much different from the other. How's that for an oxymoron! (LOL) Better yet try saying that five times really fast.
Cherish the "real" people that you have in your lives. Very rarely will you make a new friend for life once you've passed the age of 30. Don't judge cuz' really who the heck are you to anyway! Don't believe the hype. There's no such thing as always hurting the ones you love. If I love you, you best believe I'm going out of my way to make sure I never intentionally cause you any pain. And on that note, to infinity and beyond and so is the love I have for you guys. Be easy my buds and till next time...Smooches!
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
(Here's a lil ditty I wrote on July 12, 2005 2:59pm before my intuition kicked into 5th gear to giving this dude the boot. It's copywritten so please NO PLAGIARISM!!! I can put it in a greeting card for you for a nominal fee...)
3 things I'd like you to do: Hold conversations with me and not only when there's a problem, be a man of your word and let me know where I fall on your list of priorities. (Think really hard before answering the last one.)
We are ready to let our guards down. I have no idea why they are up in the 1st place. Let go of past behaviours and fears so that we can move forward instead of being stagnant.
When we're alone together what makes me the most uncomfortable is your short attention span.
When we're in public what makes me most uncomfortable is your dislike for people coupled with your temper.
Right now I'm tolerating our 2 minute conversations and the fact that we exchange I love you's but we really don't know much about each other. Basics don't count.
Your goofiness and our ability to laugh is what makes me want to spend more time with you.
The silly arguments and the feel of walking on eggshells makes me not want to spend more time with you.
Our arguing makes me feel drained. Even though we do talk about what's going on, the fact that we fight about the same thing or something similar a day or two afterwards only leads me to believe that our talking doesn't lead to understanding and resolution.
In anger and frustration, you should never ever say that you want to leave unless you are serious and really want out. Never ever call each other names outside of our respectable names. Or the in famous "WHATEVER!"
Working hours and time spent with our kids should be the only time we spend apart. Unless we set aside time for our own personal "ME" time.
How long are we in this relationship for? Great question! Right at this moment I don't feel like I'm in a relationship unless "Me, myself and I count as two people.
What I think will keep us happily together is maturity on both parts, communication with effective talking and listening and the open minds to try nice things and step outside of our comfort zones. Don't allow us to get boring!
My need to be totally understood. It's a childhood hang up that I still go through. I've realized that I understand me best. God foremost though. To spend my life proving who I am to other people who may not last too long is really not how I want to spend my years.
J. Phill
© July 2005
3 things I'd like you to do: Hold conversations with me and not only when there's a problem, be a man of your word and let me know where I fall on your list of priorities. (Think really hard before answering the last one.)
We are ready to let our guards down. I have no idea why they are up in the 1st place. Let go of past behaviours and fears so that we can move forward instead of being stagnant.
When we're alone together what makes me the most uncomfortable is your short attention span.
When we're in public what makes me most uncomfortable is your dislike for people coupled with your temper.
Right now I'm tolerating our 2 minute conversations and the fact that we exchange I love you's but we really don't know much about each other. Basics don't count.
Your goofiness and our ability to laugh is what makes me want to spend more time with you.
The silly arguments and the feel of walking on eggshells makes me not want to spend more time with you.
Our arguing makes me feel drained. Even though we do talk about what's going on, the fact that we fight about the same thing or something similar a day or two afterwards only leads me to believe that our talking doesn't lead to understanding and resolution.
In anger and frustration, you should never ever say that you want to leave unless you are serious and really want out. Never ever call each other names outside of our respectable names. Or the in famous "WHATEVER!"
Working hours and time spent with our kids should be the only time we spend apart. Unless we set aside time for our own personal "ME" time.
How long are we in this relationship for? Great question! Right at this moment I don't feel like I'm in a relationship unless "Me, myself and I count as two people.
What I think will keep us happily together is maturity on both parts, communication with effective talking and listening and the open minds to try nice things and step outside of our comfort zones. Don't allow us to get boring!
My need to be totally understood. It's a childhood hang up that I still go through. I've realized that I understand me best. God foremost though. To spend my life proving who I am to other people who may not last too long is really not how I want to spend my years.
J. Phill
© July 2005
The second of the Month!!!

Greetings earth beings! It's the fabulous shock jock from Brook-Nam!
Yeah right. Who am I kidding? Brooklyn is not as tough as the world would like to believe but then again I'm not a wanna' be thug getting caught in everybody's crossfire. An idea came to mind today to do a word of the day type of thingee. You know build those impoverished vocabulary skills we've all inherited since we graduated high school. I know I know. This may be a bit too much for some of you to handle so I've decided 2 words a week. Better? Great! Keep up with your laziness and I'll assign essays to go along with those words. (teehee) Forgive me and my childhood fantasy of wanting to be a school teacher. Well more like college professor! Sexy business suit that falls just above the knee. Maximum cleavage! Distract all the guys (well the straight ones) and give them all F's at the end of the semester for not focusing. (teehee)
Ok here's the word or one of them:
circumlocution: the use of many words to express an idea that might be expressed by few.
Put that into you everyday speech. I dare ya!
Monday, August 01, 2005
The first of the month!!!

Well hello and welcome to Blog-a-phone!!! Haha...just kidding. It's the first day of August and I feel great. After the events of the past few weeks, if it wasn't for my endless prayers to stay strong and keep the faith, I'd be a wondering basket case right about now. To make a long story short, the treacherous hand of love dealt me yet another dud. Along with, the nostalgia of rekindling an old high school friendship that should've stayed in high school. Old friend slept with new boyfriend in a nutshell.
Despite those events, I'm on cloud ten. Why shouldn't I be? With every morning and every new breath, I realize more and more how freaking fabulous I am. The world as I know it isn't ready for someone like me. I am of a new species, a new breed of thinkers and movers. I make things happen. I live life to the extreme. Those folks who yuck up are missing out big time. In my almost 30 years on this planet, my tolerance for fake people with ill intentions is at NIL! From here on out, it's all about fun and all about me! When I feel the urge to save the world, I'll donate to my favorite charity. I'm open to ideas of things to try without getting ridiculous. I'm a single mother for crying out loud and taking my life into my own hands right now is just counter-productive.
Keep in mind that this is my very first experience in the world of the Blog. So please I can take criticism just don't slay me with the harsh words! LOL.
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